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Shipment status

In this section, you will find the exaplantion of the shipment lifecycle. In other words, the status (events) pertaining to a shipment.

Table of status

Following is a list of all the possible shipment statuses:
100SHIPMENT_CONFIRMEDShipment registered by client with Peddler
200SHIPMENT_ENROUTE_TO_WAREHOUSEShipment enroute to distribution center
210SHIPMENT_IN_WAREHOUSEPackage scanned at local distribution center
300SHIPMENT_ENROUTE_TO_LOCAL_DEPOTShipment enroute to local depot
310SHIPMENT_IN_LOCAL_DEPOTPackage has arrived in local depot
400SHIPMENT_READYReady for dispatch & assigning courier
410OUT_FOR_DELIVERYPackage enroute to destination
500DELIVEREDPackage delivered
501DELIVEREDPackage delivered at neighbours
502DELIVEREDPackage delivered in mailbox
550DELIVERED_COLLECTION_POINTPackage delivered at collection point
570PICKUP_COLLECTION_POINTPackage picked up from collection point
700ON_HOLDShipment is currently on hold and awaiting release for next day delivery
800EXCEPTIONShipment is currently being processed by customer support
900RETURN_TO_SENDERShipment is returned to sender
1000CANCELEDShipment has been canceled
1100SHIPMENT_DETAILS_UPDATEDShipment details updated by consignee or customer support

It is important to note that the status code is an Integer and NOT a string.

Failed attempt statuses

The following are the possible reasons for a failed attempt:

601CUSTOMER_NOT_PRESENT_NO_NEIGHBOURS"Customer not answering; no neighbours available
602CUSTOMER_WRONG_ADDRESSCustomer does not live here; Wrong address
603INCOMPLETE_ADDRESSIncomplete address; No such address
604ADDRESS_NOT_FOUNDCannot find address; Adres niet vindbaar
605CLOSED_NOT_PRESENTClosed; Gesloten
606PACKAGE_REJECTED_BY_CUSTOMERPackage rejected; Geweigerd
607MISSORTED_TO_VEHICLENot in bike; Niet in bak
609CUSTOMER_REQUEST_NEW_DELIVERY_TIMECustomer request new delivery time
610CUSTOMER_ADDRESS_UPDATEDCustomer delivery address updated
611PACKAGE_STOLENPackage stolen
613PACKAGE_OVERSIZEDPackage oversized
614PACKAGE_OVERDUEPackage overdue
615PACKAGE_DAMAGEDPackage damaged
616PACKAGE_LOSTPackage lost
617CUSTOMER_WRONG_PHONENUMBERCustomer wrong phone number
618DANGEROUS_GOODS_ADRPackage contains dangerous goods ADR
619ALCOHOL_DELIVERY_CUSTOMER_NOT_PRESENTAlcohol delivery; Customer not home

All the failed attempt statuses will have the status code FAILED_ATTEMPT. However, the reason for the failed attempt will be mentioned in the reasons field of the details property. In addition to that, there will an additional failedStatus property in the root path of the body. Here's an example of the same:

"id": "fx6_ZSWp0RDc24csBqOj9",
"carrierTrackingNumber": "P199684830307745678",
"metaData": "78420240902-2",
"status": "FAILED_ATTEMPT",
"location": null,
"ts": "2024-09-02T13:08:06.574Z",
"trackingUrl": "",
"code": 601,
"details": {
"lang": {
"en": {
"headline": "Delivery attempt failed",
"description": "Delivery attempt failed at destination"
"nl": {
"headline": "Afleverpoging mislukt",
"description": "Afleverpoging mislukt op bestemming"
"courierName": "Peddler",
"reason": "Customer not answering; no neighbours available"

Status details


All timestamps and date are in JSON DATE ISO-8601 format.

When a shipment is queried, all the statuses for the shipment are returned. Each of the status has a timestamp ts, a description details and a location gps.

  • The description is a human readable text that explains the status.
  • The timestamp is the time when the status was set.
  • The location is the location where the status was set.

Apart from the aforementioned contents ts, details & gps, some more information is returned for the statuses. These are described below.


  • Shipment confirmed (est. date/time of arrival)
  • estimatedDeliveryDate: Date of delivery


  • Shipment is on the way to depot
  • estimatedDeliveryDate: Date of delivery


  • Package confirmed in warehouse Amsterdam
  • estimatedDeliveryDate: Date of delivery
  • warehouse: Warehouse name & address


  • Package out for delivery at XX:XX dd/mm/yyyy local time
  • Example: Package out for delivery at 12:00 21/07/2023 local time
  • estimatedDeliveryDate: Date of delivery
  • courierName: Courier's name (optional)


  • Package delivered at XX:XX dd/mm/yyyy local time
  • Example: Package delivered at 12:00 21/07/2023 local time
  • deliveryDate: Date of delivery
  • courierName: Courier's name (optional)
  • courierComment: Comment from courier (optional)
  • deliveredAtNeighbours: Address of neighbour where package was delivered (optional)
  • podSignatureUrl: URL of the proof of delivery signature (optional)


  • Package delivered on XX:XX dd/mm/yyyy at collection point: Superstore John M. Keynesplein 12 1066EP
  • Example: Package delivered on 12:00 21/07/2023 at collection point: Superstore John M. Keynesplein 12 1066EP
  • collectionPoint: Collection point name & address
  • courierName: Courier's name (optional)
  • courierComment: Comment from courier (optional)


  • This status occurs when a package is not delivered successfully.
  • The reason for the failed attempt will be mentioned in the reasons field of the details property.
  • In addition to that, there will an additional failedStatus property in the root path of the body.
  • More about the failed attempt statuses can be found here


  • Shipment is currently on hold and waiting to be released on the designated timeslot or paused by support


  • Shipment is currently being processed by support, anticipated status update in 48 hours
  • reason: An issue described by the support team


  • Shipment has been returned to sender


  • Shipment has been canceled by sender/carrier


  • The shipment details have been updated by one of the following:
    • sender
    • support
    • consignee
  • originalShipment: The shipment details before the update
  • updatedByType: The type of user that updated the shipment details
  • updatedBy: The name of the user that updated the shipment details
  • updated: The updated details of the shipment with deliveryDate & collectionPoint